Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Feeling Blessed

With Thanksgiving just 2 days away, and people posting and talking about all the things they are thankful for, I have to say, this year I definitely have the most the be thankful for than any year before.  Obviously, I am so excited that we were blessed with getting pregnant with our baby girl.  Words cannot express all the emotions I am going through, how in love I am with her already, how crazy every movement feels.  And I am so thankful to have married the perfect person to enjoy this journey with.  I feel that we are closer and stronger than ever, and it solidifies that we truly belong together. 

I have to admit though, it's easy to be thankful and appreciative when everything is going well or as expected.  But what about when things don't go as planned?  What happens when life throws you a curveball or two?  The people who keep going, or even thrive, in the face of obstacles, they are my heroes.  They are the people who remind me that my "problems" are not really problems after all.  We create our environment, we decide what is going to break us, and what we can overcome. 

When I started this blog, it was sort of my "anti-Facebook" way of sharing our story, so that only the people that truly cared and were interested in our lives would continue to read about it and be a part of it.  But I'm not completely anti-Facebook, and this is one reason why.  I have met a lot of people through school, work, and my many athletic endeavors, from running marathons and triathlons with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, to my time as an amateur kickboxer with Unlimited MMA.  It was through the kickboxing circuit that I became Facebook friends with Gordon.  I would see his occasional posts, "like" or comment on a few, but that was the extent of our communication.  Then recently he posted a link to his family's personal blog, Heart of Maia, and I was forever changed by my relationship with him.  I read the blog from the beginning, and could not stop crying the entire time.  I read how they had a wonderful, healthy boy, and what a great kid he has become.  Then they got pregnant again, only to lose her 47 minutes after being born.  And then they got pregnant with Maia, who has already had open heart procedures done, and she's not even 3 months old yet.  Some were tears of sadness, but mostly they were tears of inspiration, because the strength that this family has with all that they have endured, and continue to go through, is truly inspiring.  I encourage you to read it, and also to donate if you can. 

In this time of being thankful, I am thankful for my baby, for my husband, for our new home, for our families, for our friends, and for everyone we have met along the way, because you never know who will make that kind of impact on your life.  Thank you Gordon, Rizza, Marcus, Marissa (my new angel in heaven), and Maia for showing the world what it truly means to live every moment to it's fullest, and to have strength and love no matter what.

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