Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice

Kama and I are so excited to announce that Baby Alvaro is officially Baby GIRL Alvaro!!  Oh, it was such an exciting appointment!  She is developing well, growing right on target, all her organs are healthy and strong, and yes, she wasn't shy about letting us know that she is a girl.  I think it was my fault, she heard me saying over the past few weeks that I was certain I was having a boy, so she decided to prove me wrong.  Already, our first mommy and daughter face off :)
I am so excited to start decorating the nursery, we already have a theme picked out, now it's time to start shopping and getting baby girl ready for her arrival into this world.  It's also time to start my crafting projects.  I have so many plans for knitting and sewing projects, but I'm so slow at doing them, that I need to get started ASAP!  There are so many cute dress and sweater patterns that I have to choose from, because I just know that me being the huge tomboy that I am, I'm going to end up with the girliest girl ever!  My sister-in-law teases me about it all the time, because she is girly and ended up with a tomboy, so it's only fitting that I end up with the cheerleader/ballerina type.  Whatever type of girl she decides to be, we are so excited to meet her and begin this journey called "Parenthood." 
The past 19 weeks have been amazing, and in just a few short days, I'll be half way through my pregnancy.  Wow, what a journey it's been so far, and the most exciting moments are yet to come.  Here are some fun facts from the past 19 weeks:
  • Pregnancy has been easy so far (my pregnant and mommy friends hate me for that).
    • no nausea
    • no morning sickness
    • lots of fatigue
    • gassy (sorry for the TMI)
    • some heartburn
    • only 5 lbs gained to date
  • Cream sweaters are not flattering, ever, even with a pregnant belly (see photo above)
  • I am still working out when I have time for it
    • Ran a 5K with baby a week and a half ago :)
  • Still haven't felt the baby move, but it should happen any day now!
I know we have 21 more weeks to go, but I also know it's going to go by fast and our li'l cupcake will be here before we know it.  Stay tuned for more happenings at the Alvaro home!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Home Sweet Home

4 years ago this week Kama and I got the keys to our very first home. It was such a huge step in both our lives, and a step we made toward our future together. At the time I was preparing for my trip to Thailand where I would represent the USA at the World Championships for Muay Thai. At that time, this was the biggest most memorable event of my life. 

What a difference 4 years makes. Since then, Kama and I got engaged, got married, found out we were going to be parents, and just yesterday got the keys to our second home. And now, I am preparing to bring our precious baby into this world, which will surely be the best thing in my life ever! Right up there with marrying my best friend <3

Wow! It is so amazing to be where we are. It was hard to leave San Jose, it's where we both grew up, where our friends and families still are. But it was a step that we needed to take, to live in a better area, to be in the best position to give our baby the best opportunities we can offer him/her. Brentwood is now our new home. 

Needless to say, there won't be many, if any pictures for the next few posts, as we settle in and get our home set up. We look forward to sharing lots of pictures with you soon!!

Also, baby is now 15 weeks 5 days! I still have not felt any movement, but I'm sure it won't be long now. All of our appointments have been great and baby is growing on schedule :)